Sunday, September 11, 2022


Do you ever stop to think from time to time
'Bout the way the world's been left behind
In another place, in another time
We could maybe change the way we think
Take the blinkers from our eyes

Do you think that she was maybe not alone
Do you think there's someone out there
Do you think that they might know
And if they don't do you think they should be told
Cos she's living in a nightmare
Running out of her control

Take the rope
Take the blindfold from your eyes
Take the rope from 'round your neck
And take the blindfold from your eyes
And you'll never be surprised
When they tell you that they love you
While they're eating you alive

Do you think you have the strength to carry on
Or has the black cat got your tongue
Don't worry now the world's gonna be allright
Cos the land has been here longer
Than the likes of you and I






1 comment:

  1. This I find very well said:

    Chaplet del Rose October 9, 2022 at 3:36 PM

    All I know is that as a child, I was warned about the candyman who tries to get innocent children in his vehicle, enticing them with various tempting promises, only to be kidnapped, tortured, or even killed. I did also warn my children about strangers and their tall stories and the serious dangers in believing them.

    I have followed Cobra for very long but after zillions of failed promises by the Light Forces, I am starting to get a really uneasy feeling about this planetary evacuation too.

    Basically, we know little to no tangible information, we know next to nothing about them, we can only know them by their fruit as Jesus the Christ would say (I am not a Christian but it's a wise teaching to live by nevertheless) and their fruit is neither very sweet nor very ripe at the moment. We've been getting promises for decades and they have yet to deliver upon one (just one!) of their promises given to humankind on this blog alone.

    Now, they want me to get in their vehicles, leaving all my belongings behind (granted, I am not materialistic and have no attachment to my "stuff") and leave my pets behind (who are in every way like children to me and I bear responsibility for them and would never leave them behind for an hour unattended let alone in catastrophic circumstances).
    We are told we'll be taken to a place we've never been to, we can know nothing tangible about, and have to leave our former lives behind, with the vehicles doors permanently shut behind our backs once we enter.

    I am sorry Cobra but these LF start to give me creepy candyman vibes at this point and I have indeed lost my faith in them. Time and time again they have turned away and didn't live up to their promises in this very tangible world that we know so well. And now I am supposed to trust them about going off world that we truly don't even have comprehension about?

    I fail to see why I should trust them enough to make this planetary leap just because they say so, just because they invite me in their vehicle with enticing promises.

    Although I must add, those rosy promises themselves are starting to lose their icing as of late.

    Hundreds or thousands of reincarnations await everyone but an elect few even after the Event when all darkness, evil, and suffering is supposed to disappear?
    If anyone like me has past life memories, they know that reincarnation is one of the cruelest and most painful joke on us poor humans.
    So now they're telling us that even after the removal of the darkness it will be the same old for 99.9% of us?

    Is this a joke?

    I just don't know about it anymore and my common sense is cheering on that I woke up from this 2012Portal zombie state I've spent so many of my adult years in.

    I don't know what to believe anymore but human wisdom that I've managed to pick up over the millennia of my incarnations tells me that I would be better off drowning in a planetary flood than be taken off world by ships I know nothing about with captains that have failed to live up to their promises till now.

    There are no trustworthy candymen out there. None.

    Just my $0.2.
