Thursday, April 25, 2024

Forbidden Opinion

For obvious reasons another one of my comments over on did not get approved.
That makes it about 60 to 100 in the last 10 years.

"I was surprised when the existence of other universes was revealed to me. The Light Forces have given me intel about 25 years ago that all other Universes have been integrated into this one. In the meantime, new Universes were discovered to exist and very recently I was made aware of these."

Very obviously the intel from 1999 was false. And not just because "new Universes were discovered."
According to what My Higher Self has told and shown me in recent years, this Universe we live in is a very young one. Integrating others into this Universe, when it clearly is not near completion of the cycle of transforming darkness into Light, doesn't make any sense.
Or, of course, there never was any such intel, and it was just made up during the interviews in 2016, and then forgotten when writing the recent post.

Either way, when the "sources" of your "intel" are wrong about the existence of a FEW THOUSAND UNIVERSES, or you just forget them in your story, it should be obvious to anybody with a functioning brain that none of the other "intel" can be trusted either.

That is sad, but it is true.

It's been a nice ride, but that blog has lost any and all credibility.

I'm sorry. I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Et bien dans mon groupe dernièrement , beaucoup doutent de la fiabilité de ses intels et se perdent dans les informations , pour être honnête , je n'aime pas tout ce bizness autour de lui et le prix de "ces enseignements" je ne sais pas qui est derrière mais dans mon futur les gens ont accès à tout et sans argent .
    Je suis certaine que Jésus ne valide pas cela , il enseignait avec son cœur , pas avec des billets de banques !

    Je vais probablement ne pas trainer non plus , je rien posté sur l'avant dernier post .
    J'ai ressenti un soupçon de désespoir , a la limite de la panique dans son dernier post .
    Je vais te dire quelque chose le Dragon se sent lié à St Germain , honnêtement je suis perdue , tu sais qu'il m'a demande de l'épouser 😅 j'aimerais juste qu'enfin qu'on en finisse et que je puisses être moi , mais il me faudra probablement un peu de temps seule pour me retrouver .
    Gros bisous à vous deux 😘
    J'ai changé mon profil je ne recevais plus les notification avec mon mail gaiaestunedéesse 😂
