Friday, January 10, 2025

The Moon, part 2

 I wrote about my conclusions about the artificial object circling poor Gaia and Her inhabitants.

Turns out me and David Icke aren't the only ones thinking about and researching this topic, as a video from 2019 was proposed to me, which shows a lot of other mathematical and physical facts that make it simply impossible for the "moon" ro be a natural object.

The Moon is Artificial and I Can Prove It: Alien Observatory

Time somebody did something about that thing.



  1. Bonjour RaJah
    C'est aussi l'avis de "St Germain"
    ici vers 15:30, il dit clairement que la lune à été remplacée.
    Juste une chose Gaia est peut-être bien des choses mais pauvre non. Elle fait ce qu'il faut pour protéger ses enfants. Et même si tu ne le vois pas il y a une armée d'Etres qui veillent sur elle et qui croient en elle. Bientôt elle reprendra sa souveraineté.
    Lumineuse journée à toi et joyeux portail ✨


    1. Merci beacoup. <3

      A good journey to you as well, my dear.

    2. What I meant by poor is that Gaia doesn't need us to feel sorrow or pity, what you need to know is that she came into contact with the descendants (Sources) of the Prime Creator and that for years, maybe more, they thought she had tipped over into darkness, She blames them for this, because it's a waste of time in terms of liberation, and she feels betrayed by her own family of Light. You know, a Source is powerful if it can reconnect to the energy of the Prime, and the Sources are all descendants of the Prime Creator.
      Yes, this video is really interesting, he also says that he communicates with others like him telepathically!
      I buried a little mouse this week, one of the neighbors' cats came and brought it to me as a “gift” outside my French window. 😔
      Kisses to you and your little tiger.

      I'll soon be leaving my “stable” I've found my Garden of Eden in the middle of nature, this place is really special, I could finally be more grounded with myself, the day of the visit a little bird came and looked at me, as if to welcome me and you know what I'd be on the edge of the forest. There are no coincidences, only synchronicities that answer my soul's call, the world is on the verge of collapse, I need to get ready. We have to be ready.

