Saturday, June 1, 2019

Domo Arigato

As the name of this blog states, this is all about Messages From The Universe.
I may not understand them all, and I'm quite sure not all of you understand them all.
And that is perfectly fine, believe me.
This is a Meta-Level Operation.

And because it is I want to thank each and every single one of you who is following along.

This isn't about my little 3D-self trying to be oh-so-cool and oh-so-great .
It is about sending out secret hidden messages and codes that The Universe a.k.a. The Source wants to share and put into the human consciousness of the currently enslaved population on the surface of Gaia.
And also to the people living inside Gaia, and all of the people and beings supporting the Finalization of this Universe.
And GAIA HerSelf.

It is important that you, every single one of YOU out there, understand that you are part of something so unbelievably wonderful and extraordinary that once you find out what you have done to help finalize this it will seem unbelievable.

Yes, life right now is tough. Very tough. And not a whole lot of fun.
I know all about that. Despite the well-meant advice to "enjoy this life and make the most of it" I refuse to do that. I volunteered to be incarnated on the imprisoned Gaia and be part of this for many thousands of years again and again, and I refuse to find joy in the current state of affairs.
Of course I try to make things as bearable as possible, and find joy and satisfaction in the little things that I get to witness or be a part of. Despite this being a prison I still manage to have some fun.
But I will never accept this as the way life is supposed to be. NEVER.
Which is why I do My Work here every single day and every single night to change all of this for the better.

This blog is only a small part of what I do, but The Messages are very important, and I AM grateful that YOU are out there and read them. Maybe sometimes you even listen to The Music.
Thank You for your help and for what YOU are doing every day.

It is with great pleasure that I can say that last month exactly 1111 people visited this website - that's incredible and at the same time not incredible at all. All of YOU are part of the Divine Universal Plan, and that number is not a coincidence but part of the Plan.



Now then.
Do We have a song?
I only have a minute to finish this at the right time, so gimme something please.

Ah, here We Go:

Sirius / Eye In The Sky

Thanks, Source ;-)

Stay POSITIVE, it is ALL going along to The Plan.
And don't just wait for the Event.
I Love You.

Lots of Divine Love and Light


It's a Livin' Thing

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