Well well well.
So once again this "Cobra" fellow is bringing out an update with some sad, sad news.
Apparently it's all going to hell in a handbasket and the change for the good will take even longer than expected.
Starting in 2014 I continuously pointed out flaws and logic-holes in the narrative over on his website.
"The light forces would like to start the event but the darks have weather weapons that would cause trouble" was one of my favorites. When I pointed out in the comments that we know all about those supposedly secret and special weather weapons and that "bad weather won't prevent the event" that topic was never mentioned again.
In its place came other reasons for why nothing can be done.
The "Doom 33" story of how certain cabal members must scan their retina every day to prove they are alive, otherwise a self-destruct virus would be unleashed into the power plants, energy grids and so on was next.
Two years later it was said that "they had to dismantle Doom 33", only for that thing to be a threat once again in 2017.
Then came the "strangelet bombs."
"Woohoo, the light forces disarmed all of those. Unfortunately there are also "toplet bombs" and deactivating those is much harder."
And every time he tells of some sort of progress being made it's always those damn "toplet bombs" stopping progress. They are basically
everywhere. In weather balloons all over the world, inside humans, there are even "plasma beings" all over the world and around the world that are just FILLED with toplet bombs.
Be afraid, readers! Be very afraid!
The real turning point for me was the ungodly "Terms of surrender" post where it was suggested that all dark entities and cabal members would get to keep their unlawfully acquired riches and even serve as "other side of the coin" advisers to the new society after the event.
Are you fucking kidding me?
that wasn't too well-received by the readership, the story had to change again of course.
And the story is
always changing, with new reasons for the delays being implemented.
Remember the promises about the mass meditations and how "epic" it was when the critical mass of 144.000 participants was reached? And then absolutely nothing happened?
Well guess what.
When more than 144.000 people were meditating for freedom during a solar eclipse, the Sun was blocked out by the moon, and all of your positive energies were siphoned up by the dark and used by them.
The same happened again in January.
It was a wonderful lovely meditation during a lunar eclipse, at the exact time when no SunLight could reach the moon and its dark energies were at their strongest. And once again, the dark forces who brought the artificial moon here thousands of years ago sucked up all of the positive energies you sent out.
I could go on and on and on for quite a bit, but I won't.
This is getting ridiculous and out of hand.
True Light.