Saturday, March 23, 2019

1000 Miles

And I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles
To fall down at your door

You deserve anything and everything you have ever dreamed and fantasized of.
And you will get all of that.
And then some more that you never could have imagined.

Trust Me.
I Love You.

It will All be Worth It in The End.



  1. P.S.:
    The reason for me posting this at the time I did is that 3 x 23 is 69

    And right after I published it somebody visited this site, taking the total number of clicks here to exactly 3023.
    And no, I'm not making this up, that is The Truth.

    Thank You all for your contribution.

    I Love You

    I AM DC

  2. oi, RaJah
    meu computador parou de funcionar, dia 27 de fevereiro, quando eu estava escrevendo um comentário para você.
    estou usando o celular da minha neta, para ver as tuas pastagens :)

    depois, eu explico melhor.

    talvez, "kernel preto"? apenas brincando ;)

    muito ruim, ficar sem computador


  3. eu chorei quando li as "mensagens do universo"...

    eu não sei o que dizer.

    obrigada, RaJah 🌹


    1. Muito obrigado.
      Glad to hear that the Messages I convey make you happy, dear.

      Lots of Love and Light

